
T-Rex vs. Thesaurus

Thesaurus picks fight,
and the fight is in difference.
So Thesaurus buries plurality
under cover, safe from clawing definitions
until discovery. Channels are organic;
it's a good time to create (meaning
the Cretaceous).

T-Rex is unread, except in tooth and nail.
So T-Rex elects himself president for life,
builds a top-down nest of trophies (no wife),
and closes his ears to the polysemous hum.

Thesaurus skips synonyms across ponds and into corners,
to gestate under soil and Rosetta stones (labeled: do not un-
-earth before the advent of language).

Seed-wide tunnels flow with larval vessels,
and ants chant etymology into existence.
Their new faith is crude, but it will survive its ugly naming
and the coming disaster, which has yet to be named.

Meaning gets antsy as the fiery mass drops,
like a million-ton tombstone at two miles per second;
its molten neon song demands adaptation.
Nuance will save some, but T-Rex's text has withered;
he's stump-armed in the inferno, all mouth no voice.
He gapes crater-wide, but all that comes out is sound and fury;
the signifiers have all been collected by Thesaurus.


Blogger denielle said...

i'm signifierless! here's a space for the word i would have used: ________________ (and you can tell it would have been a long and pretentious one, cause i left a long space)

8:33 PM  
Blogger DJH said...

Would the word have been diplodocus? That's a long one.

8:36 AM  
Blogger denielle said...

i prolly would have used an adjective. like "seismosaurawesome."

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could get Bambi meets Godzilla out of my head now. Clever word play all over and all I get is an animation from the 70s stuck in my head.

7:57 PM  

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